Réservation de table Deidesheim

Réservation de table gratuite pour les Restaurants à Deidesheim

Siben's Gutsküche

Siben's Gutsküche

Weinstraße 21, 67146 Deidesheim, Germany

Spécialités Internationales Régionales, Spécialités, Allemand, Chocolat, Pizza

"At the end of a long day hike through the Palatinate, from Leinsweiler to Flemlingen and St. Martin, we finally arrived in Deidesheim, for 6 pm we had reserved a table in the good kitchen of the winery Siben Erben. And after we had spent some time testing wines from the Deidesheimer VDP ware, we were standing at the right time in front of the great court gate of the Siben winery. Seven heirs is one of the founding members of the VDP and compared to the Deidesheim grand names of the VDP somewhat more unknown, but of course not for Carsten1972, we had already tasted and bought some good drops here. I've never been in my stomach and we wanted to get up. Schwiegervater had his birthday and got a wine tour through the Palatinate and this should be completed with a meal. The father-in-law is a real hover and you can't come to him with exotic delicacies, so LA Jordan or the black **** has fallen out of the search grid! But my wife had a flash of spirit in the preparation of our tour and remembered the kitchen of good seven heirs. Two flies hit with a flap, finally come in and the perfect guest house for the swab in the Palatinate. Through the big gate on the wine road, the farm went to the back guest room. Hell enlightened in February darkness it seemed to us out of the windows. The renovated guest room is dominated by some columns to group the tables. Although it was pretty cool, it was a pleasant atmosphere. The tables were covered, all well suited for the kitchen concept. Behind the large counter on the back of the guest room were the three service personnel who would take care of the guests tonight. We were received and the reserved table was fast leaning. The oiled oak determines the ambience in the guest room. This makes it pleasantly warm in feeling despite the rough plastered walls. The cards were handed over to us and we gave the three sides of food, in part they can also be seen on the HP. One side for the inevitable Palatinate classics (Saumagen and Co., two sides very seasonal cuisine made us more joy. We chose four a wide cross-section through the map. On the way for the two siblings a soup: creamy black-rooted lush, sibling mother was very browned and is firmly committed to processing black roots also in his own kitchen. Bovine broth with lobsters and leaves, what else for the father-in-law. With this soup the ice was broken, the smash was done and we had no more worries about the next night. My wife and I were back at the appetizer. For us both domestic salmon with marinated vegetable Asian style and horseradish herbal cream. And of course a few Rieslings of the winery, the perfect wine for Asian style. Very well maintained salmon, served in a fairly large single piece. Delicious. The main foods continued. For the silencers, wild boar sour roast with quartet and red cabbage. Kalbstafelspitz on winter vegetables, from Beiden there were positive feedback on the dishes. So to my dish (and my wife's homemade calfsmaul bag on creamy black roots. I also like the winter paradise very much, and regularly out of the parental garden in the county of Bentheim. The black root cooked with bite was served with a cream, very well prepared. The cut of the jaws gave an unusual result It was more like a pasta strudel. The paste was coated with a cube calf and then rolled completely. So the mouth felt and also the taste was more against Lasagne than against the Swabian national court. That the father-in-law had not ordered, I don't know if he had found his grace. The son-in-law found it very delicious. Dessert also went to some: Chocolate cream Brulee with Maroneneis. Was as delicious as it sounds. The kitchen had done a very decent job. I didn't regret coming. In the case of Siben heirs, one tries Riesling and the view of the wine card with first and large plants First layers Large layers tries to try a lot. And the prices for the eighties, quarters and bottle are also very pleasant. With the boss, a discussion about the necessary age only relaxes from big growth (at least 5 years in his opinion, and because he realized that we also cross this way, there was still an opportunity to try some large growths, not listed on the map over 5 years. Thanks for that! Otherwise the service did well and without mistake, although the house was completely around 19:30 and there was much to do. The clientele is very mixed, families with children, next to the well-occupied pensioners (see couple, everything was there. A beautiful besenwirtschafts atmosphere with a more refined kitchen. Absolute recommendation for the kitchen of Siben, if we are in Deidesheim, we are happy to come back."