Réservation de table Saarbruecken

Réservation de table gratuite pour les Restaurants à Saarbruecken

New Phoenix Chinarestaurant

New Phoenix Chinarestaurant

Breslauer Straße 1a, 66121 Saarbrücken, Deutschland, Saarbruecken, Germany

Asiatique, Buffet, Sushi, Pizza, Pâtes

"It was still at RK times when the China Restaurant New Phönix opened its doors in the rooms of the former grill pan in Saarbrücker Saarbasarbasarbasar and was rated very negative in some RK reviews. At this time, as far as I still know, mainly because of the poor quality of his sushi and maki as well as due to inadequate cleanliness. Reason enough for us to avoid this restaurant until then. As a guest of a birthday party last Sunday, however, the birthday child and his wife were very positive about visiting the New Phoenix, which is why we dared a first attempt. It should be mentioned in advance that this first attempt was certainly the last. Saarbrücker Saarbasar houses some fifty shops in its rooms on two floors; to get to the New Phönix, you must either cross the Adler fashion market to the end (can quickly get a few underpants, jeans or a blouse or run around the entire bazaar complex; From Monday to Saturday, the Phoenix offers a so-called Schlemmer Buffet for EUR 8.90 per person (according to Flyer only valid for ordering at least one drink, in addition from 11 to 4 pm 10 lunch menus (EUR 5,50 8,90 and during opening hours five appetizers (EUR 2,50 3,80, three salads (EUR 2,90 six so-called classics) noodles (EUR 1,3090s 9,90). Sushi Maki is from EUR 3.50 to EUR 17.90; Details are under [here link] available. The phoenix is a mythical bird when Benu is already known to the ancient Egyptians; It should have been created from the ashes of the Osiris. In most cases, it is presented as a series and burns at the end of its life cycle to emerge from the rest of its cadavers or its own ashes. According to other opinions, before his burning through the morning sun, he sets an egg from which he then crawl out. No matter how; Burning and resurrection always follow each other. Is that a good omen for a restaurant? Ambience: If there is a competition from the Saarbrücker Gastro Asians around the most buntest (almost shrillest ambience, the New Phoenix would have good chances of the title Kitschigster Asiate of the state capital . In such a bale shape, cheaper chinach has not fallen on me long; I really don't like it. One and a half stars. Cleanliness: In the guest area it is clean, in the wet rooms it is at least as far as the men's toilet (in the ladies I haven't already grounded after a bit. That's just two stars. Service: Several ladies and a gentleman circle around the tables and clean really empty plates and bowls. Drinks come quickly and are collected quickly. Nice three stars. Food and drink: Today the Schlemmer Buffet costs four euros per person, namely 12.90 euros. It was founded by the use of shells and shrimps as well as the normal buffet. My wife drunk Lycheeschorle (0.4l EUR 3.20 ), while I ordered a Karlsberg Ur Pilz (so direct it on the map and also on the invoice (0.5l EUR 3.50). Something upset me at the subsequent reading of the beverage card, that even wines from well-known Palatinate wine farmers (including Grauburgunder or Spätburgunder) by Nauerth Gnägy, Schweigen or Riesling Kabinettt had been dried dry by Naegele, Hambach. I always preached that gastro plants, in their names or on their maps with terms like Schlemmer, gourmets, gourmets (among others, is managed, should be better mined, and this time I observed the eye to be renamed into the open knife. Next time, don't necessarily listen to recommendations from others? The shells looked like congratulations from a distance, but with closer consideration were only covered with a slightly yellowish-coloured white pamp, which obviously could not decide whether to be a béarnaise, a Majonnaise or a Remoulade. Of all a little and nothing right; and poor scallops, or their delicate taste, completely beaten. The scratching of the sample from the shell also proved to be no target; absolutely nothing was to taste of her, so the regrettable administrator had already done. Too bad, but you clams didn't die for nothing. In the stuffed shrimps the crook was foamed from behind; I would have freed her from the intestine as usual and then either in her armor or leg and chitin and stuffed. In this case, they were then picked in the raw state and then spit with certainty; who, in a plastered state, wanted to eat chitin in the mouth (our GG disciple hbeermann, the dok, would have to say whether chitin is broken down in the human body or is simply excreted ungraded; I don't know, so I unfolded all the individual shrimps completely before eating. The other dishes we had much better with other AYCE Gastros, whether duck, chicken, beef, eight treasures, squid rings, etc. The supplement of four euros per person is not justified in view of the unfortunate preparation of shells and shrimp; two stars. Conclusion: We will avoid and recommend this phoenix in the future (of course not."

Zur Linde

Zur Linde

Hauptstraße 29, Saarbrücken I-66132, Deutschland, Saarbruecken, Germany

Fruit De Mer, Fruit De Mer, Européen, Allemand, Steak

"My heart's favorite was the desire to feed fish out of the house. Where that should not have been fixed; but the Bischmisheimer Linde crystallized out gradually as the discharge site. Fish stands there in several variants auif of the map, among other things also as Atlantic seaweed in Hummerkrabbensoße with butter rice and salad for slapped EUR 19,40. This offer is just as semi-seiden meaning deliberately misleading as, for example, Linguine with Scampi for EUR 15.70. If there are normal shrimps instead of scampi, then instead Pangasius or Ropfene starving after seaweed is cheered to the pure white fillet, which is often covered with an obscure sauce. Note: Filets from genuine soles are never pure white but have a delicate black grain and sea tongue dishes start at a price of approx. EUR 35,00. But that's just by the way. Yesterday, after studying the current Linde map on the Internet, my love had shot on fresh asparagus with pork chips, sauce Hollandaise and salt potatoes for EUR 23.50 and ordered a table for today at 12:30. I had not yet decided with my court request and decided ad hoc today. The large main guestroom was almost completely occupied by a large solid board for about 25 people, which only reads space for three small tables in the corners of the room; one of them was ours. The reason of the feast was quickly made: a small bubble with a strapped neck and a communion candle in a glass vessel in the middle of the gift table did not read any misinterpretations for us. Gottseidank was quicker with our order than the fixed company with its Communion Menu selection; so we stayed spared long waiting times. My dear wife ordered, although the Linde Averna has also offered, only a small apple choir for EUR 3,20; I took a Franciscan white beer from the barrel (0,5l EUR 3.80). In terms of food, she stayed at her bererits home choice, the Spargel-Schnitzel combination. Although the panned pork carving was not roasted in the pan but frit and the sauce Hollandaise was not really the yellow of the egg, it was satisfied with its choice overall, although the asparagus rods were not so great but slightly musked. She was pleased about my side-salat which I had left her; his dressing was expressly praised. For me, I had ordered the pork larvae in Pfifferling-Kirsch-Pfeffersoße with croquettes and supplemental salad for EUR 19,80, and I asked to replace the croquettes with late larvae which were standard for the larvae in Bärlauchsoße. The fact that Mr. Diener, the operator and chef of the Linde, especially in the case of short fryers, often has the problem of meeting the desired degree of cooking correctly, we had already experienced in the past the pleasure, especially during the four months that we had left after our move without our own kitchen and in time had often taken the lead service of the Linde, if we had once again wanted to eat warm (restaurant visits at that time). Intensifyingly, it came to us that the meat feeds were still moving from the Linde to us during transport. Today, Mr. Diener, with my little lend, obviously wanted to go to the safe spot according to the motto: if I change the cooking times for the three lendtranchen, I hope to meet one of them in the middle of the black one. And so was it; one was absolutely cooked to the point, one was slightly over it and one was absolutely well done talking more than through. I found the sauce very successful, although the pepper component from my point of view had been sent to the race somewhat too generously (my wife found it salted). With Pfifferlingen, the kitchen had really not tasted, neither with cherries. The late lards were as small asses in the Saarland Latezle; any swab would have proved to me this table-up finished product that had to do with Spätzle as little as a mangalitza pig with a guinea pig. I ate things; They didn't taste bad. Conclusion: Overall, we were satisfied with our today's Linden visit, but have already eaten better here."

To Steki

To Steki

Am Kieselhumes 42b, 66123, Saarbruecken, Germany

International, Méditerranéen, Salades, Italien, Grec

"A little more than eight years have gone to the country since we were last in To Steki, not without reason, because my then report of the 22nd. February 2013 is still reading here at GG) the kitchen had not issued the best certificate. Kalamaria sharp, all others moderate, in addition the portions too small and the prices too high. In addition, there were several Greeks in the Saarbrücken region, which, unlike To Steki, played a higher class; unfortunately now tempi passati! Why we tried again with this Greek after a long break is quickly explained: Most of the pick-up or delivery service gastroses we are looking for today have taken a rest day in the Ascension of Christ. In fact, my hearty loved ones are only randomly sympathetic to To Steki, because they were neither present after cold meals from their own stocks nor after the products of the well-known Burger factories. As it turned out in its searches, this Greek offered a heavily painted map with Lockdown 2.0 Specials from 17:30; Humor is, if you laugh despite Corona, I can only say. Pick up after the previous order announced; since the To Steki is only about three kilometers away from us, the dishes should be almost warm with us on the table. Point 17:30 I brought the listener to deliver our order. She was taken by the daughter of the house; very pleasant-sympathetic voice and exceptionally friendly. Also visually, she does something like one of the photos and what was allowed to convince me when I call on site. I ordered for my treasure Kefdedakia; Greek chopped eggs from the oven, filled with Greek cheese, with oregano and lemon, Mediterranean vegetables and typical Greek potato columns EUR 16.90). For the son, Gyros Classical with Patates and Tsatziki for EUR 14,90 and I chose Greek Cordon Bleu from Gran Parino pork, filled with Mediterranean herbs, garlic, olives and Greek cheese, with Patates and Tsatziki EUR 17,90. The dishes were well packed by the bank, were handed over in a huge packing paper bag, EUR 49.70 changed the owner and the daughter gave me very kind. Antio! Small location on the outskirts of the city: Since the car parks were full of To Steki, I had parked my car right next to one of Punjab's Indian, Italian and German parking). On the way back to the car the host standing in the open door of Punjab did not speak very friendly because of the unauthorized use of his parking lot. He liked my answer to his pauke; I had said always quiet, Master! Soon I order something with you and put myself in the parking lot of To Steki when I pick up! one of the polystyrene containers licked a little and had added something to the bag bottom. When unpacking, it turned out that some of the godfathers were packed too much for us; their total amount was not almost to master from good eaters like us. Each of the three sections was also very neat; unlike 2013, something was done pleasantly. Mme. Simba blew up the hack balls she ordered, which for me went from size rather towards Hackballen XL, the comment. For me they were tastefully good, but too little seasoned. I know the potato columns that are typical Greek on the map of our favorite armour; there they are led as typical Spanish under Patatas de casa. The Gyros flask was also very delicious; I can certify the Tsatziki, but for me with too little anger. My Greek Cordon Bleu from the Gran Parino pig was good, but I wouldn't reorder it anyway. When listing the filling components on the card, for whatever reason, the component tomato was simply and grippingly suppressed. What I needed to care for the tomato felt individually with a lot of patience from the filling compound. I didn't like it, and I would like more sharpness in this court; without pepper it was just too good for me. Conclusion: There is nothing in the way of a new order, but then I will ask my court to get a real spicy mix. Otherwise we were satisfied."

Valdete Brockenhaus Peci Brockenhaus

Valdete Brockenhaus Peci Brockenhaus

Am Halberg 1, 66121 Saarbrücken, Germany, Saarbruecken

Fruit De Mer, Européen, Boissons, Italien, Pizza

"However, there were opening hours (Saturday, Sunday leave from 5 pm against us and my proposal to visit the previously unexplored Brockenhaus, stiess at Mme. Simba on open ears. In their view there is this place (Ristorante Pizzeria for at least 30 years. Almost every day we drive past the center, we were never inside. Ambience: The Brockenhaus has up to 250 seats in the main room, with space for up to 30 people in the conference room, a cellar room with space for max. 60 people and a terrace, but located on a busy street. But you must like that; we don't like it. The subject outside would not have been clarified anyway, because the sky had opened its castles all day long and generously. We sat with some other guests in the main room; really big with high ceiling. Altdeutsche Urig meets Reklameschildwald from the Nebulä speaks New Länder; You'll remember. Four types of seating, on a seven table also a sofa with lush upholstery; overall not unpleasant. The background music began with quiet piano reading device (Barjazz), to gradually make room for strong new wave; it would have been less. The background muck puts my assessment for the ambience of three stars on their two. Cleanliness: all Picobello, even the wet rooms: five stars (so the estimated GG-Kolleg hbeermann gets nothing in the number of stars). Service: was inconspicuous and precise delivered by a young lady with a foreign tongue. In the whole hut it needs either help or roller skates; the only three occupied tables, on the other hand, did not bring them in embarrassment or sweating. Four stars. Food and drink: The current lunch card of the week (6.05. 11.05.) was not presented to us, as it is not valid on weekends and holidays. Well, today was May 11 and at the same time weekend; who wants to understand it is not so logical. My wife (now driving service drank a fanta (0.2l EUR 2.00), I prefer a glass of soave (0.2l EUR 4.00). A decent wine, no more and no less. She ordered a vegetable laser for EUR 9,50, I took Calamares alla Griglia (Brockenhaus mit Spaghetti for EUR 14,90. Previously there were three tranches of pizza without cover with green olives inlaid. The pizza dough was very good; the assumption that the pizzas are also delicious here is therefore close. The inlaid olives were tastefully perfect. What I didn't like was our cutlery; the knives might have passed, but the forks were not. Of course there are no Damast table linen or noble table silver in a restaurant like the Brockenhaus, but forks of such underground quality I have not even seen in Bodensnacks or grumpy Canteens. You ruined our appetite. According to my wife TK, the vegetable bar was a product that had been sprinkled in the kitchen. Her judgment: She still tasted, later revised in Man she could eat. I had more luck with my Calamares; they, six whole tubes as well as the corresponding branches, had no places that were burned by the grill were very tender and did not float (as usual in oil. The pasta was still bite-resistant; so it should be for me. However, the whole court was quite underwhelmed; with pepper and salt I could help, although it would have been appreciated if pepper and salt mill stood on the table instead of the disturbing scatterers for me. My wife has consumed the additional salad to the Calamares with pleasure. I evaluate the Calamares with four stars, the vegetable laser with two shapes; but for the shy forks I take one and a half star. Stay under the line two and a half stars. Price /Performance ratio: fine, four stars. Conclusion: My wife: I don't have to go back for the next twenty years. My conclusion: But if I take my own cutlery from home."



Hedwig-Stalter-Straße 1, 66125 Saarbrücken, Germany, Saarbruecken

Petit-déjeuner, Fruit De Mer, Hamburgers, Fast Food, Cafés

"Since my grandchildren live far away and we only occasionally (or at the moment not at all, of course, the grandpa also served the junior program, which included regular visits with the dear little ones at McD, strongly diluted and solo visits from me in one of the branches more than rar. Last Wednesday it whispered me again after a big Mac; Trigger had been a short message in the Saarbrücker newspaper : In the course of a McD coupon action of 07.01. to 14.02. there should be two big Mac at the price of one. For fast hunger between not bad; a Mac for me and one for my wife. She wanted a fillet of fish that used to be known as fish Mac. So equipped with corresponding order I went on the way to Hedwig Stalter Straße 1. Once I stood in front of closed doors. After a long waiting period and a gruelling period, a young man, apparently regular guest in this temple, came to enjoy the palate and informed me that at the moment ordering, payment and reception of the goods would be possible exclusively at the drive in the switch. However, the good man could not explain why there were several men in garbage trucks inside the industry, where the vouchers were also available. Anyway, so back into the car and to this drive rolled into the switch I didn't know until then. On window 1, I was able to place my order and got a total of EUR 8.18 for the Big Mac and the Filet o Fish. A few meters further waited at window 2 the bag with my shopping for me. So much more or less good; the bad surprise expected me at home when unpacking. If I had packed the two dishes on site at the counter, I would not have paid them or insisted on a renovation. Unfortunately, this was no longer possible. As far as I know, system catering means, among other things, that the dishes offered in all branches (usually franchise companies of a particular chain look absolutely equal, taste equal and cost equal; so far, I had always experienced it at McD. Whether loud ignorant or newly recruited employees were in the industry I visited at the beginning of this time? I can't say it. However, the fact was that neither the Big Mac nor the Filet o Fish corresponded to the McD standards that were so highly praised by the company. As a Double Cheeseburger variant, a Big Mac usually has two beef sandwiches, two slices of melted cheese, iceberg salad strips, a modification of the thousands of islands dressing as a Big Mac sauce and the Buns clothing is sprinkled with sesame. may be that I have forgotten the one and the other component; the one who compiled my Big Mac had forgotten much more than just one. The Mac had only one paddle, only one slice of melted cheese, no sesame on the Bun lid and as good as no sauce. An absolute error of a Big Mac and an angry affair; rather a case for the garbage bucket than for consumption. A little better was my wife served with her fillet o fish; in this case only the saucers, which is usually quite generously distributed over the fish, were missing, but this is almost complete; the small sauce spot was smaller than the diameter of a ten cent coin. All in all, the delivery was in any case a malice; especially at times of Corona and associated pick-up services, the providers should make a lot of effort to keep customers. McD won't see me anymore: . I sat down the same day and wrote a letter to the Franchise Nehmer, the Saarland Getrey Gastro GmbH Co. KG, in which my unfortunate experience is described and the ticket is attached as proof. Do I have an answer to my complaint? Not anymore."