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01/16/22 Today we ordered what we believe to be a planchette ....paid 10. (much too expensive for that) too bad I can 't put a photo here of what we received. .. I describe it to you: On a plate 10 to 15 slices of a small sausage with the skin, and 3 half slices of bread in a basket....that 's all....Not a small dab of mustard, a slice of tomato for color , maybe 1 or 2 pickles...and no; Not even a little piece of cheese. The table next to us had the same reaction as us...what is that? To managers: go see what a planchette is in other mountain pastures and you will really be surprised. Spend 2 or 3 francs more but please do something that people will want to photograph as much as the panoram...