Malheureusement, les heures d'ouverture ne sont pas disponibles pour le moment.
5 /5
Locale non turistico, informale, frequentato dalla gente del posto che offre cibi tipici della tradizione spagnola a prezzi più che ragionevoli. Non lasciatevi ingannare dalle apparenze: sembra in semplice bar, ma nasconde un'atmosfera semplice e famigliare che, unitamente alla gentilezza del personale e ai prodotti cucinati con materia prima di altissima qualità, ci permettono di consigliarlo assolutamente a chi di passaggio ad Alicante.
We were on vacation days) and we selected the place for the reviews and menu. the attention of pillar, magnificent, the abundant and delicious food, also quite economical for the type of ingredients and so quantities. We're going another day. No doubt, he fascinated us all. It's a small place and it looks like a village bar but you'll get out of there with the feeling of having eaten in a large restaurant won't leave you indifferent.
the salmon toast with glass bread are spectacular and the owner. point and apart from good person. I love that this place is very familiar small and no more to comment on you so that you do not have the obligation to ask for passport covid and enjoy your gastronomy and services
Me gustó todo,bueno los percebes muy pequeños y no les sacaba sabor a nada,no es culpa de la cocinera ,es que no me van,algo seria la señora porque llegamos 1 hora tarde porque nos perdimos y claro,estaba cansada