5 /5
Ordered my first and last Angus burger, which was advertised as a Premium burger. Mcdonald 's, it 's just a burger, no more no less. To call the Angus burger, Premium is stretching the truth, it 's just a burger and it 's ok but nit Premium. I 'd I wanted a Premium buger I 'd ho to Grill 'd or Burger got soul but not to Mcdonald 's. This is not saying the burger is not good, it 's an ok burger, it 's just not Premium. Yes, as a 'better ' burger than what 's already on mcdonald 's menu, yes, it stacks up but not in the Premium league in 2023. Id imagine, Premium at Mcdonald 's is anything better than a regular burger like the BigMac but in 2023, Premium at Mcdonald 's is standard at specialit...