Dr Janessa Koch


Dr Janessa Koch contributions

La grande chaumiere réservation

La grande chaumiere

Rn7, Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier, France, Langeron

Thé, Viande, Fromage, Français, Steak, Consommation sur place, Bbq, Viandes, Hôtels

We booked a table for 17 people whilst on Holiday in Burgandy last week. Having booked self catering for the week, we opted to eat out on Wednesday night as a special treat. After recommendations from the owner of the Chateau where we were staying, he kindly made us a reservation at Le Grande Chaumiere. Our reservation for 7.00pm, we arrived early at 6.45pm. We were told our table was ready and we was seated outside of the restaraunt which was close to the main highway. Not put off by this, but with grey skies overhead after previous showers that day, we hoped it would stay dry.The waitress arrived and greeted us in French, With our little French knowledge and her little english knowledge, we made our order of starters and main courses of all which were steaks.We were told that they only had 9 fillet steaks left, of which were ordered, 3 had sirloins and the others had the "chef's special". we were asked how we liked them cooked and she left us.We waited a short time before the starters arrived, with many of us having goast cheese on toast and the others having pate you thought it would of been ok..... the goats cheese was faultless, but that would be expected in a country that is famous for cheese. The pate was a let down..... a slab of congeeled meat that resembled dog food, for any of those of you that are dog owners, it was like butchers tripe supermeat! Disgusting.Part way through the starters the heavens opened and down came the rain....we waited 3 or 4 minutes before 2 of the party went inside and told the waitress of the situation of the rain and we were told it would pass...... now, eating outside in the pouring rain is just not on. we all went inside and was forced to stand in the entrance for nearly 5 minutes while they got is a table cleared. When i say cleared, i dont mean cleared of dirty crockery, i mean cleared of all the niceties that the 5 other tables of customers that were dining were given, then she had to change the cutlery and the glasses... which took her forever!I thought novel that the meats are cooked on an open BBQ in the middle of the resteraunt and was good to see what was going on..... and i'm glad we did. A young child, obvisouly related to the resteraunt was wandering around in a t-shirt and under pants, stood hovering over the meat trays coughing and spluttering, who was also joined by the family dog who also wandered around while the "chef" was cooking and paying guests were eating.Our meals arrived and we set to eat....no one was happy with their meals, wasnt cooked as ordered, mostly under cooked, 4 people returned their dishes to the "chef" and asked to cook for longer, they were returned a minute or so later, being no different. Apart from cold chips and mushrooms.Those that had the "chefs specials" were left speechless in what they were given, a plate of jowling, fatty gristle that was totally inedible. This meat wasnt fit for human consumtion. I've seen more edible meat on a buthers pencil. We complained to the chef, who brushed off the fact that we were highly disappointed with the standard of food served. He carried on cooking as if nothing had been said. We were also amazed that he kept taking trays of fillet steaks from the fridge and cooking for other people, when we were told they only had 9 left of which we had orderedWe asked for the bill and for something to be discounted as none of us had eaten the food, the very little english that the waitress and chef had previously show went out of the window and now, they understood no english at all.They kept us waiting for nearly 10 minutes for the bill to arrive, with making themselves look busy and several phone calls. To find out that one of the other waitresses had actually called for the police. Once going outside to speak to the police, one of the waitresses actually grabbed and pushed one of the party, which there was no need for.All we were after was some kind of discount for the fact tha no one actually ate the food given. They police the issue and in the end we were give a 30 Euro reduction. In the grand scheme of things we spent 700 euros on food that was not fit for human consumption.So a warning to you all..... the staff at this resteraunt DO NOT like the english, they are arrogant and abrupt, have animals in the restaurant, along with half dressed youngsters coughing germs over food, that is of the lowest quality, that really should be made into dog food.I'm my opinion, avoid this place, eat elsewhere - Mcdonalds would be a safer bet!!