Lucy Hill Iv


Lucy Hill Iv contributions

L'Ardoise réservation


19 r. Franche, 71000 Mâcon, France

A couple of years ago we had a great lunch in this restaurant in Mâcon (a lucky find) and finding ourselves driving through that part of France once more we timed our trip to be able to have lunch in Mâcon again. We had to drive around a bit to find a parking spot (it's all street-side parking but you don't need to pay during lunch hours - got to love the French). The restaurant is by the edge of the main shopping area.We were greeted by the friendly waitress and got to pick out a table. Ordered an aperitive and studied the chalkboard menu. Their daily menu at €15 for 3 courses seemed really good value (and appeared very popular with the other patrons), but we were in the mood for something different so went for frog legs & Bresse chicken. Neither were as cheap as the "special" but the price was correct for the quality of the products, both dishes were excellent. The frog legs come in two servings to ensure they don't go cold too soon. The chocolate moeulleux for dessert was the best either of us ever had. While we were enjoying our lunch the place filled up with locals, and the atmosphere was really nice (cosy but you're not seated too close to each other). Being rush hour it did take some time for the single waitress to go around but we were never forgotten or ignored so kudos to her (and we just went up to the till to pay with our credit card like we saw some of the others do).Hope to be able to have lunch here again someday!