Réservation de table Berglen

Réservation de table gratuite pour les Restaurants à Berglen



Olgastraße 21, 73663, Berglen, Germany

Végétarien, Fast Food, Européen, Européen, Allemand

"After 5 years and many more visits, it can be an update. The Schützenhaus in Ödernhardt is one of 4 very good-bourgeois houses in the area that you can recommend without restriction. Since I have been describing further details after their two previous reviews, I refer to the previous letters. My birthday this year took place under the week and I wasn't after stress. He should follow the following weekend; so I placed a reservation at the well-known host and chef two days beforehand via WhatsApp and made me up with my two girls on this mild Tuesday night to change the hill and return comfortably. The reservation was not a wrong mistake! At our arrival, the spacious terrace came to its capacity limit a short hour later. As always, one is greeted friendly and open and can also choose among the suitable tables, at least if one is timely. The cards were already on the table as placemats in DIN A3 and as one of the nice ladies came to the table the next time the antidehydration means were ordered. A wheat beer (4.40) to which one should follow during the evening. Half a liter of apple juice choir to 4.20. And half a litre of specifics to 4.20. At least positively that the alcohol-free variants are cheaper than the beer. You can see that in a different way! Although seven beers are also a scavenger, at least when you look at the calorie intake, you still drank nix. But instead of the 7 beers, there should be something to chew. Don't get out of Monnem. And this is far from here. ; So as a Habhaftes and as a basis for apple choir, specific and beer it should be: for my (no more so small: turkey carving (19.90 with cream sauce, croquettes and mixed side salad). For my (no longer quite so big: The neck grill steak (19,90 with herbal butter, fries and mixed supplement salad And for the birthday child of course the onion rust roast (28,90 with late zle and also mixed supplement salad The waiting time for the drinks was absolutely fine, and also the food came after a slightly stretched but still quite adequate time. As it looked, I can't say, but the times should have stretched. However, I know from experience that the kitchen of the Schützenhaus works really well and therefore do not believe that other guests had astronomical waiting times. And what then looked very tasty. Well, I've never been able to win off a turkey, but my daughter was very happy. It bathed in a really good cream sauce and the croquettes were also very delicious. About the side salad, or the various salads of this plate, I have always been weakened and this is still the case today. Just a pound of salads. All of them separately, they were a terrific ornament like salads, if you give them enough attention and kitchen love. A year and a day, after a cozy bike tour with a buddy I only fed on a large salad plate (with egg happy satt. My dear neck grilled steak came to the table with bacon strips and two fried Ar... erm Calamari fritti and also made bella figura. And not only figura but also gustativ could convince it. That was very fine. Nicely tender and with no dead grilled and with neat spice and taste made it also delight on the palate. The Pommes as they should be. Outer crispy and inside soft and hot. My rust-bread retired into the book of poems and the sight had the saliva shot. Gorgeously seasoned with a thick sauce and a neat amount of the name-giving onions made the sight anticipation. The kitchen had hit the desired cooking degree (medium rare perfect. But even the meat itself was a really good one. Just as good as no vinegar was to be discovered and tasted, what can happen in rust roasts. The sauce for this was a dream in which the also good late zle felt absolutely comfortable. Actually, no more went in, but when my wife was still after a vanilla ice cream with hot raspberries (6.90, there was somehow me suddenly after. That the ice was so good was certainly not a merit of the kitchen. Rather the buyer, and that's normal. But it just fits into the picture that the ice also plays qualitatively in a good league. As someone who rarely eats sweetness, I didn't make a picture of the ice. I'd be embarrassed. I hope you understand, Lavandula ; No, seriously, I just forgot. ; It is and still remains simply a good kitchen here in the Schützenhaus and it is and still remains lassy on this small height back in the Buchenbachtal. There will certainly follow many visits again until I have returned to the keys for this house. Oh, yes, what else to say would be: The Schützenhaus changed its opening hours. From Wednesday to Sunday it has been open from Tuesday to Saturday. Certainly finding a good service between the need (and offering it something and the fact that it is possible to afford the good reputation."

Gaststätte Göckele

Gaststätte Göckele

Kelterstraße 55, 73663 Berglen (Rettersburg) , Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Européen, Européen, Allemand, Souabe, Steak

"Yes, the bells. that is true for a long time. I can't say how it was kulinaric in very early times. but in the last 50 years it was garden, descending, “big beautiful house”, well visited youth meeting place, pub with great “you don’t go” factor and and and then the last wet of the house suddenly died. in the garden industry you can drive to a beer by bicycle until then. sit and eat instead of eating. then it was empty for a long time. Then something happened. they saw that the house was restored. They got that the garden was completely redesigned and you could learn who was behind the whole action. the owner who owns and leases other restaurants and a respected local entrepreneur. from the latter one also learned that a longer starting phase would be expected, as the house would not have always had the best mood. but you already have some runners at the bar. the reconstruction and the curiosity of the local population has increased. then a soft opening was planned. in autumn! in this garden! and soon you got this hint and kunz were already there and was just well reported. So it was a matter of time until we put it into play. super-sinking day with imperial weather. we had free and came home after shopping. My wife wasn't after cooking, but after the bells. more or less subtle requests I got over Whatsapp in the form of the lunch card from the idols. at some point, I also thought: schniposa always goes. Unfortunately, it was still a small stripe to freshen up for the beautifully designed garden. beautiful old trees, in summer a pleasant but for the careful early year sun then something obscure. so we went through two steps in the entrance to the room and were immediately greeted. we were allowed to choose a free table after our Gusto. the maps or flyers lay on the table and the beautiful lady had to go out anyway and see the construction workers of the nearby construction site after the right who had taken their meal outside in the beer garden. But immediately she was back and we had her unrestricted attention. from the day card we laughed gay steak with salad 8,90 and with pommes 7,50 carved with my wife was also too pommes to her steak and the lady still meant "we just take a child portion to him" 3. After additional addition salad, which then found itself as small mixed salads at 3,90 on the bill. as drinks we ordered a cola and a specific 0.5l to 3.90. the drinks came soon, were nicely cooled and with half a liter back in a reasonable size. but we didn't have to wait long for the food, and they looked good. the black steak was accompanied by a neat mountain of mixed salads. the steak itself was finely cubed and super sweet and juicy. my wife was very enthusiastic. well also the various salads that accompanied typical petty-bourgeois dressings or spices. there was nothing wrong. even the potato salad, usually the fall knit of a less gifted kitchen, could convince. perhaps not quite the weight class of the lamb or the slip, but still really good. also the pommes were successful. Unfortunately, my wife had the impression that with her pommes the lid should have fallen from the salt shaker. they were a little salted over a fee. my armored carving was almost perfect. it would not have been a bit too thick for my taste, I would have been happy without exception. Nevertheless, it was very good. nicely delicate, also juicy and with a fine and airy panel it could be quite pleasant. especially because my pommes had done everything so far. Basically, the shares were qualitatiw without errors. and they were enormous. we would have known that we would have shared our additional salad, Pommes and the mountains on our plates before our announcement. I'm sure we weren't the last time. in summer the beer garden attracts. You can eat well here and enjoy your holiday. small manko: the crimped butter that accompanied the steak was good, but also almost frozen. that is better, but it must also be remembered. the service was national friendly, cumbersome and direct. we do not ask ourselves about the fast and rain that the house had experienced in such a short time. ps: I took up the garden at the environmental assessment. the interior is ok, but not half as beautiful as the garden."

Kleiner Italiener

Kleiner Italiener

Brühl 8, 73663 Berglen (Erlenhof) , Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Méditerranéen, Italien, Salades, Pizza, Pâtes

"The SSV Steinach Reichenbach club house in Berglen Erlenhof already has a right horror tour behind it. I don't know all the kitchens that the 25-year-old house already had. At GG, I had presented two Italians at least once a neat one, the other grow through and a Greek, which was quite comfortable and fritusenlastig, I first kept with me and you and hardly one year later it was never up to date. Sometime before, there was a Greek that the manowars certainly did not miss. But this spring did something again. To my pleasure an Italian kitchen direction. And at the same time my fear, because the starting point of the house we visited Winnenden two years ago. A small bistro with a strong cocktail bar orientation and a very adult food. I reported here: [here link] Here in the Erlenhof was started quietly and quietly with a softopening and so slowly you heard this and that. And when the newspaper even reported and was there to read that there was finally the right place to make a clever dough, it was clear that the house would be visited soon. The visit on the 5th. March this year was probably a bit too early and the cook, the kitchen and probably also the dough guide was still in the founding and experimenting phase. Pizza, lasagna and salad plate were not smiling, but then still a piece away from the beloved house and farm-Italian around the corner. But the house remained alone because of its spatial proximity on the radar. And the kindness and hospitality was already very positive at the time. That's what keeps it at the bar, even if the food hasn't exactly cult character. And the days went to the country and the reports were getting better. On June 4th, it turned out that we just looked down a nice evening to the club. That was more than a corner. However, my dear wife had also decided on pizza the day and not on pasta. And the house had really arrived in a league where one could say that one can go, that does not hurt anyone and makes satisfied. However, this referred to and refers only to my snipers from the boot. Like it here with pasta, insalata etc. we have not yet verified yet. In the meanwhile quite fit address and in the hope that the learning curve would continue, there was a third visit one and a half months later. And this should be the actual content of this report. Shortly to the house and ambience. The house is completely walk-in and barrier-free. It is centrally located in the Berglener district Erlenhof and has not set any patina on its own because of the many changes in the number of pawns. Each time the device was carefully but successively updated. It is and remains a club house but modern and so well maintained and nicely furnished. The covered terrace is oriented around the corner to the sports fields and offers just as much space as the spacious interior. There is a drop of wormwood on the terrace. The stalls and tables are wood-planned beer garden fittings and are rather comfortable. For trained, hard-steel sportsmen but certainly not a problem; we had called before, as one heard that Sunday evening would like to be booked. Somehow a good news. Only this day it was more relaxed because the big city festivals took place around. They felt the need for a visit, we were now ungrowing and have been drawing a cozy restaurant visit for years. What doesn't mean that if the buddy.... but that was not so; a very friendly and empathic welcome followed the free choice of free tables. Some were not occupied. Immediately after that, the cards were handed over and the question was placed whether we wanted to look first or would already have drinks. With a “clear, I’ll come back” we were left alone with the cards. It was more likely to be found in the typical collection, which you find in the pizzerias on land. Something antipasti, insalata, pasta, pizza, carne, pesce. Among them, of course, the obligatory panted club house Schnitzel. Wat mutt dat mutt. Quite simply; where the grilled shrimps in tomato sauce with garlic from the antipasti department have a certain cult status. I was told that these were an absolute highlight. But only after the last visit. But I can probably spoil it, that can still be. In order to prevent serious dehydration and besides wheat beer 4,20 half a liter a glass of MezzoMix 4,20 should join the table for 0.4L. To stuff the hole in the belly this time was the task of two pizzas. Yes, my wife decided to make pizza again. The report on the current quality of the Pasta department must be waiting for something. While my wife remained loyal to the Capricciosa, and thus to Mozzarelle, Hinterschinken, Champignons and Artischocken for 11,90, I decided to climb down the map so far. This is not possible, however, that there is no designated Vesuvo, Diavolo, Lucifero or the like!!1!!! ; Was it during the first times the Apulia with mozzarella, salami, ham and champignons 10,90 was simply set free this time. What was no problem at all. To this I remember, before a grey time ago, I actually visited a house where this was not possible. Today this would be the ultimate G point, then I just regretted it. But here and today! Base was a pizza Salami 9,90 which was added to onions, capers and garlic. In parallel, compulsory garlic and chili oil were worshipped. All! Extras hit the wallet with a pleasantly reserved 3€. Especially short was the waiting time for the pizzas not exactly but still in still pleasant frame. And now I would also like to apologize for the very reddish images. But weather good, awning outside, food also outside, my manageable image editing skills can't keep up; and the pizzas looked very clean. A little more color, so it's not a awning red, would certainly be a good face to them, but even so spiking. An aromatic “Sugo di pomodoro” flew under the spicy and rich covering and on the ordinary dough. The latter would have a small track more wort evtl. well done but also so he was better than some competitors. Pleasantly thin and not soaked he was very pleased. Even the edge was not bad, though not quite as luscious as I love him. Still a good statement from the pizza baker. I tried to compensate for the chili oil. However, too offensive compensation is not punished under two litres with sweat water. The garlic oil was easier to dose. Since good ice is now also advertised, a ball has to be tested. In a lemon sorbet, the AndiHa, even as a sugar suspect, cannot say no. Excellent. What the house otherwise still characterizes I had already sounded. You take care of the guest in an open and very sympathetic manner. Nice talks about the orientation of the house and truly open and honest interest in the opinion and satisfaction of the guest. We are very happy with this house in the immediate vicinity. If the learning curve in the kitchen goes a little further, then it could be a real pound. However, the possibility of getting a place at short notice should also disappear. joy and suffering;"