Tremayne Dubuque


Tremayne Dubuque contributions

Le Carnel réservation de table

Le Carnel

81 rue Pierre Delore, 69008, Lyon, France

3.5/5 in truth! I can't put "very good" the same. First time in this restaurant, not attracting by its front or obviously by the neighborhood. But we don't always choose where friends want to dine, so we go in, and so much better!At first we stay dubitative in front of the yellow plasticized card recto verso where several dishes are packed with many pizzas, not to mention the slates scattered above the bar and hung on the wall! the boss offers a good home that is suitable for this simple place, the waitress taking the relay well in the room where they show themselves effective and listening. obvious choice of 4 cheeses. low fat, non-scracking fine paste or dry, cheeses melt well between them and the quantity is correct. the benefits are two but their sizes and the whipped treat us, we even suspect a realisation of the house, that is to say! The Lyon wine in pot is very hot but we will largely forgive the impair, so usual in the Lyon restaurants of this range. In short, I advise you to make your own opinion if you live not far, or if you pass before in the week and wish to judge by yourself! No need to book. We smile: before the unfounded fear of not eating properly. you grimace: not to understand everything in the restaurant's culinary orientation...Any card and multiple slates, you lose a bit.We place: can be in an angle because the room is too open and not intimate. We pay: 30€ for dish, dessert, aperitif, wine and digestive! Sweet. we digest: thank you to get 27 but there wasn't even need of it.